Female friends, a gift that we take for granted, or is there no such thing?

Makavura Mughanga
2 min readMar 8, 2020
Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

You have heard the statement before, “a man and a woman cannot be friends and stay just friends”.

Immature gibberish? or timeless wisdom.

Sure, in some relationships, the female friends of a man might appear to do more harm than they do, but that is a rabbit hole of its own and I am not the authority on that matter.

I am here to profess a simple truth I have learned in life. Whether single, in a new or old relationship, female friends are invaluable.

How so?

Let us be honest, there are things some of us men do not know how to get right, and some times it is life itself. To be specific, the authenticity of life.

Female friends, true friends with no hidden motives.

They have this quality of being truly authentic to themselves. They, by merely existing as your friend give you this refreshing perspective of life. A truth you had ignored perhaps, a truth you have never known or perhaps a reminder of your true self.

Be it as it may, life goes on for some of us men without female friends, true friends. and that is a shame.

I hope not to take you for granted, dear friend. Just know that this bloke appreciates you for being you and for being my friend.

You! fella with no female friend, spewing this and that, I do not know your reasons, but if you can spare some time in this wonderful life, get a friend who is not a man, for the sake of friendship.

It is like the refreshing breeze of summer on a sandy beach as you sip coconut water, a welcome experience. A harmless experience, but one you do not get everyday.

Cheers to you, oh dear female friend, remember, stay true to you! Keep this life colorful doing you, be unapologetically authentic, just the way you are.

