
Makavura Mughanga
2 min readJan 2, 2021
Photo by Kylo on Unsplash

It has been more than a minute.

Been more than 7 Years since the rebellion started. More than decade when I transmuted that hunger and pain and a perception of the world into a plan. Here we are, I am a father, a long time undergraduate, a software developer, a lowkey rapper, grand scale schemer, a mentor and leader.

How did I get here. I rode that wave called life, put all my dealt cards on the table, picked and chose.

Has it been without pain, no. Has it been with laughter and joy, definitely. Would I do it differently, most certainly, there have been a lot of lessons and such is life.

Why now, why today? Why write after so long. Call them the ruminations of a man who knows he is getting old or the results of the synergy of epiphanies of unspoken desires and a hopeful future, pick and chose.

So, looking forward, I was thinking about my guiding my younger brother towards a more fruitful and engaging time of his youth with less “learning from the world through experience” uncharted paths. No, I am not one to chose a future for someone but I am one to try and tell the ones I love how I think they can be happier.

So, little bro, this is for you and me, that we may one look back at this day and tell the tales of public diaries and sweet 17, the age we knew what we wanted of this world and decided to go for that and nothing less.

One of the things I was thinking of telling you is to learn through teaching and reflection, to look in the mirror and tap into that fruitful spring/deep well of self and sharing it with the world.

One way of doing that is through expression and mastery of craft/self.

I am not done with school, isn’t that exciting? I mean, at this age and I still look forward to teaching. Why should an individual pursue education other than the systemic institutionalization that is attempted to be drummed into individuals of getting a job and a better life, progress. Yes, that is one of the possible outcomes.

But why should one go to school? Why seek the comradery of a unified pursuit, the clarity that is borne of intellectual endeavors, the understanding, evolution, fulfillment and respect of self that comes out of mastery of a craft?

These are my two cents, to live life.

